Choosing A College?
Hi there! In today’s blog, I am going to be taking you through the steps of choosing a college, while still in high school.
All through high school, I never really wanted to go to college. I reasoned that nowadays you almost don’t need a degree to make money. From freshman year to senior year, I could never see myself waking up and going to class. I hated my senior year and got HEAVY senioritis, it was a struggle to make it to class every day. All I wanted to do was move to LA and produce youtube videos hoping that one-day I might blow up and become successful.
Then as my senior year approached, my parents were more and more adamant about me getting a degree. Of course, I agreed that more education would only be beneficial and would cover my options to start a career in New Media.
Why is College a sensible choice?
Benefits of College
- Greater Earning Potential
- More Job Opportunities
- Better Employment Benefits
- Higher Job Satisfaction
- Stronger Job Stability
- Increased Benefits to Your Children
- Heightened Ability to Make Good Choices
- Improved Ability to Communicate Effectively
The only schools I was considering were the College of Charleston and Virginia Tech. They were the only schools that I could see myself there.
As for factors that going into picking a college, here are some questions you should consider:
- Is my gut feeling telling me to go there
- Have you met people with similar views and likes as you
- How is the weather ( This was a huge deciding factor for me, Charleston has the best weather ever)
- Make a pros/cons list
- NEVER choose a school based off of your bf/gf or best friend
- Do they have a major that interests you?
Overall, the biggest thing for me is the gut feeling, You have to have a positive mindset that everything happens for a reason and youll end up where you are meant to be.
Looking for School or College Fashion Ideas?
In July 2020 I did a modeling shoot School rules | ( on location at Queens University of Charlotte.
Elevate your back-to-school style with these looks from local boutiques.
Styling + production: Whitley Adkins • Photographer: Olly Yung • Hair & makeup: Josiah Reed | Photography assistant: Victoria Pinson • Styling assistant: Isabelle Pringle | Models: Jillian Lee, Teagan Litten and Jarin Simmons, represented by Directions USA