College of Charleston life
I am a junior at the College Of Charleston but my college “career” has been different than most.
Starting out with the fact I’ve only been in college for two years and have been mostly online the entire time until this semester. Blame #coronavirus.
Being all online previously gave me the opportunity to travel, I even lived in Hawaii for a month. While I was vacationing in Hilo, Hawaii, I turned 20;
The truth
Starting off this semester, I am going back to the College Of Charleston all in person. I guess you could say I was TERRIFIED. low key. I chose to have all of my classes on Tuesday/Thursdays which is convenient due to it allows more room for travelling and missing class.
However the downside is having 5 classes back to back. I would not have it any other way though.
Since I’m a College Of Charleston Junior you would expect me to be a pro. I mean, most Juniors are the ones giving tours to the freshman. sadly, this is not the case. I got LOST. and I mean so extremely lost that I didn’t end up making it to a few of my classes.
The good news is, it was only the first day. And I vlogged it all for comedic purposes. Here is linked the video where I fully video my first day on campus. As I am writing this, I am on my second day of classes and managed not to get too lost today. I am ecstatic to continue vlogging my school year, so make sure you check back to see what it’s more like once I get into the grind of things.